Condensate treatment

Condensate is turned into wastewater capable of regular sewer disposal directly at its point of origin.


  • AQUAMAT CF series oil/water separators for reliable treatment of dispersant condensates – no energy costs, considerably more cost-effective than external disposal
  • Officially tested functioning (DIBt type approval) – for compliance with legal requirements
  • Environmentally friendly

Condensate treatment: AQUAMAT

Clean waste water – without the fuss


All compressor condensate usually contains trace amounts of oil. Accordingly, it’s common in most cases for official regulations to apply which require compliance with a maximum oil content before condensate can be fed into the regular sewer system.

AQUAMAT oil-water separators remove dispersed oil – with type approval from Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt). They enable legally compliant treatment of condensate – directly where it arises and with no energy consumption.

To meet specialised installation requirements, we offer electronic level sensorstested oil pans and frost protection heaters. Special condensate distributors are available for a parallel hook up multiple separators with equivalent condensate load.

Your advantages

  • Cut disposal costs by 90 %:
    Having your condensate picked up and treated externally by specialists is expensive. With AQUAMAT, only residual quantities of toxins remain for disposal – cutting typical disposal costs by some 90 %.
  • Extended filter service life:
    All CF models use powerful synthetic fibre filters with enhanced filtration capacity (not activated carbon). Models CF9 and higher feature a settling chamber upstream of the filters in which floating oil is drawn off into an external collection container by an overflow. This reduces load on the filter and also extends the service interval.
  • Straightforward handling:
    You can visually check the quality of the purified waste water using a reference turbidity set. The models with a main filter cartridge are especially user-friendly as they can be pulled out using handles and fixed in place to drip dry – clean and straightforward.

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